Wednesday, July 24, 2013

GameLight - Voxatron

Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel lexaloffletv

I almost forgot about this game until I came across it again when I was cleaning out my email yesterday.  Voxatron is an Arcade-like Twin-stick shooter much like the old arcade game Robotron 2084.  It uses Voxel-based graphics as its main aesthetic and contributes to how things crumble and blow up into tiny blocks.  Voxel-based graphics seems to be the thing now with games like Cube World, Guncraft, and Ace of Spades.  I must point out that this game debut 2 years ago for a Humble Bundle in order to promote this game.  For two years, I kind of ignored it and didn't play it.  So I downloaded it and played through adventure mode yesterday and got through it.  It was an okay experience.  Arcade mode is just a straight up top-down twin-stick shooter.  The interesting mode was the Community made maps.  I started it up and saw over 600+ maps to play on.  Some were fun, some were boring, others were just insane.  The game is still on sale on the official site up above for $15.  But if you were one of the people who bought the Humble Bundle Voxatron Debut, you probably got it for a few dollars.  I can't say it's an amazing game, but I do like the community maps being so easy to access and play right from the game itself.  I think that even now, the game is still considered to be in Alpha after 2 years.  I can see this game grow even more and have a lot more options for building funner and crazier maps.  I guess I was hoping for some 3D Dot Game Heroes influence to be shown with more customizable options.  I've seen some community made enemies and attack patterns, but nothing so out there and different that it would stand out from the actual game.  I'm very curious as to what the final product of this game will actually be like because the game is playable and pretty refined right now with just a bit lacking in content in variety (other than the hundreds of community made maps).

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