Tuesday, July 2, 2013

GameLight - Cube World

Official Site: https://picroma.com/cubeworld
Source: Youtube Channel WollayFX

My friend messaged me today to take a look at this game.  At first, it just looked like Minecraft.  But then I start seeing classes, the combat, skill trees, dungeons and the like and I was sucked into the whole concept that the developers tried to make.  What really baffled and impressed me most was that the game is developed by only two people: a guy and his wife in Germany.  For only two people working for 3 years, there is a whole lot of content and it looks incredible.  The alpha was on sale today until the servers went down due to the amount of people purchasing the game.  This is one game for open-world Action-RPG fans to look out for as the game makes its way to beta.

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