Tuesday, November 9, 2010

GameOn - FPS week day 2 with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Call of Duty: Black Ops releases today, and many have already gone through the game at last nights mid-night launch at Gamestops all over the world.

Source: Youtube Channel CALLOFDUTY
So far, it has received good reviews from critics all over the world with a few concerns in the same structure of gameplay that Activision has kept despite the switch off between Infinity Ward and Treyarch.  User reviews are filled with typical fanboy debates between how it's the best/worst game comparing to so-and-so game using vague comments, if any, to downgrade or praise it.  Some, I suspect, did not even buy the game and decided to give it a zero score review seeing how every other review is a 8 or above.  I do not like how Activision had taken control of the series out of Infinity Ward's original team; however, Treyarch has been working on the series along with Infinity Ward long enough that they have learned what they needed in order to create a enjoyable shooter.  I do not plan on buying CoD: Black Ops immediately, but I do in the future.  The difficult decision will be choosing between the PS3 version and the PC version.  I'll be expecting news of how it out sells Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 soon.

[Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Activision/Infinity Ward - PS3/Xbox 360/PC/NDS]

Players can complain how unbalanced the muliplayer can be.  They can whine about how it requires very little skill when camping out behind a barrier while picking players off as they pass by.  But in the end they still play it because it's fun.

Source: Youtube Channel Robert61494
I did not get to try out the Nintendo DS version of the game, but the other three consoles are the same game.  I had the opportunity to play MW 2 on all three consoles through friends and free weekend events on Steam.  I did not buy the game until just a little while ago (the weekend before Medal of Honor's release) on Steam during a 33% off deal with the map packs 50% off each.  I am happy with my purchase, for the most part.  The game provides plenty of replay value as the dynamics of multiplayer can change drastically depending on the play style of each player, the type of loadout they decided to choose, and the mode chosen.  Unlike the various first-person shooters I've played in the past, you die quite quickly in MW2.  It can be a satisfying experience if you happen to be in a cohesive team that moves and works together; however, more than likely you will be running around and shooting/knifing whoever you happen to find if not camping out in the shadows.

-Though not as strong as Modern Warfare 1, the game boasts its campaign in an action driven storyline with multiple perspectives from the characters involved with memorable events and exciting gun fights.
-Extensive multiplayer customization and gameplay allows an array of choices for the player to combine that suits their play style.
-Quick controls adds to the speed of gameplay and skill required to play in all sorts of situations.
-Creative map designs allows players various approaches to acquiring their goals.
-Match making allows players to jump into multiplayer quickly and efficiently without the hassle of waiting for player, setting options, and looking for a game.
-Despite rewarding those who are winning, or having situations of spawn kills, camping, and sniping, the game strangely balances itself out.  It is a videogame after all.  Chaotic warfare is very possible in videogames.

-It does not always works, but camping is an effective tactic that scores the player a lot of points.  (You can't tell someone how to play if it's within the rules of the game).  This can lead to all players in a standstill or a one sided fight.
-In team fights, there isn't a determinable spawn point for both sides and is set randomly.  Thus, it is possible to spawn right in front of line of fire, an enemy, or an explosive of sorts.  It's possible to have a string of deaths from spawning in the wrong place at the wrong time.
-Those who continue to do well in a match will constantly have an advantage over the other players.
-Players with higher prestige and play time will inevitably have better equipment than those in lower levels.

I personally don't mind the setbacks in the game too much.  I do find it frustrating to die consistently in a match 32 times before getting the chance to even see someone, but I notice it happens to others as well.  It goes with the saying "you win some, you lose some."  I find the custom class aspect of the game to be the best part of the multiplayer experience as it feels like an RPG where you create your own character and watch them grow.  My favorite custom class is the "Ninja Assassin" class I made.  It consists of infinite running, fast run speed, extended knife distance, a silenced sub-machine gun, a throwing knife, and some stun grenades.  I rarely use my pistol as I find myself running around knifing players most of the time.  I know...I'm one of those players...I find it easier to get kills from knifing rather than shooting since players still have the chance to run away and kill me.  I also find camping to be very boring and would rather run around (which is probably why I end up with the most deaths each time).  But even so, I find the game to be very entertaining.  I'm up to 31 hours so far on Steam, let's see how long it lasts.

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