Tuesday, April 3, 2012

GameLight - Nexuiz

Steam Page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/96800/

Source: Youtube Channel machinima

A month from now, a downloadable game called Nexuiz will release and attempt to bring back the joy of twitch-based First-Person Shooters.  In the past decade, FPS games have slowed down due to the popularity of sci-fi shooters such as Halo and later military, tactical shooters such as Call of Duty and Battlefield as many other genres have in the past (example: Street Fighter 3 to Street Fighter 4 for fighting games or Diablo 2 to games like Titan Quest or Torchlight for top-down Action-RPGs).  Many games are slowed down as they give a bit more leeway time to thinking and planning what to do next.  It also makes it a lot easier for new players to grasp the main concepts when everything isn't going lightening fast.  Still, many who have played FPS during the days of Quake and/or Unreal Tournament 2004 long for the fast-paced action they once experienced and Nexuiz intends to do so.  Those who've played FPS of similar tastes will have a bit of nostalgia while kids who have never seen such a side of FPS before might very well be fascinated with the idea of being able to bunny hop quickly around, use jetpacks to fly around, and firing a weapon without having to aim-down sight or standing still.  The thing about twitch-based FPS games is that it has players tap into their most natural instincts of fight or flight emotional states and have the outcome be determined by reflexes rather relying on planning, flanking and deception (in other words: it's a different kind of game, even though it's still an FPS).  Players will inevitably run into each other in very short durations due to the small arenas provided to ensure that the action is near constant.  The game features a lot of power-ups that can be leveled up, or so it seems.  Developed on CryEngine 3 and set at a initial price of $9.99, this will be one game I'll be keeping an eye out for.  Nexuiz should already be available on Xbox Live Arcade while the PC version and PS3 version will release for download on May 3rd, 2012.

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