Tuesday, April 17, 2012

GameOn - MOBA Games - Realm of the Titans

Official Site: http://realmofthetitans.aeriagames.com/

Source: Youtube Channel MachinimaRealm

Realm of the Titans was lead and designed by two DotA professional players who entered in various tournaments around the world and saw potential in the genre.  After the two returned to China from studying in Australia, the now CEO and Lead Designer of Realm of the Titans got a team together and started development.  Realm of the Titans was still in development when League of Legends and Heroes of Newerth was announced and eventually released and so it was dealt with much negativity from the fanbase of LoL and HoN.  Unfortunately for me, I never got to try Realm of the Titans yet and have been waiting for it to go out of beta for who knows how long.  So far, those who have tried the game thoroughly have praised it for its large cast of characters (more than twice as much as Rise of Immortals), its balance in competitive play, and its polish.  I can't back those claims just yet as I have not tried the game, even though I've been meaning to for an entire year now (Alpha Testing started back last year April 7, 2011).  In terms of gameplay, map design, and core concept, the game is closer to DotA than most MOBA games (aside from Heroes of Newerth).  For a Chinese developed game, it sure looks impressive.  I'm very willing to try out this game.

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