Wednesday, April 18, 2012

GameOn - MOBA Games - Heroes of Newerth

Official Site:

Source: Youtube Channel machinima

If you're a DotA veteran and you seek challenge from a hard-core game, Heroes of Newerth (HoN) would be the game for you.  With the help of major DotA contributor "Icefrog", S2 Games had developed Heroes of Newerth within the world of their "Savage" series with the gameplay mechanics from DotA.  Many of the limitations and problems the Warcraft 3 engine suffered from has sought solutions within HoN.  The game is very fast-paced, highly competitive, has over 100 heroes to choose from, and is now free to play.  The graphics are beautiful with a more up to date graphics rendering compared to the Warcraft 3 engine and has a really nice lighting and effects visual that creates really nice animations for spells and attacks.  Unfortunately, HoN has its own problems.  Because of its steep learning curve, the game is very difficult to pick up and play.  Furthermore, the community within HoN is relentless and unforgiving.  Players will talk down each other, even within the same team.  The attitude of players can range from the immature to the most profane one can encounter on the internet.  Although the animations and effects are really nice, the overall color scheme and graphics style makes it really difficult to distinguish units from the environment.  Others might complain that the game is "too" similar to DotA and doesn't offer anything new.  Still, my experience with HoN was mostly good and I really liked all the different characters to choose from.  There's still a lot of dynamics and variation to keep the game fresh and exciting every time I play it, and it's definitely worth checking out now since it's free to play (originally a $30 purchase).

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