Friday, February 24, 2012

VGCulture - Mass Effect 3 DLCs on day 1

Official Site:

Source: Youtube Channel biowaremasseffect

Mass Effect 3 nears its launch date of March 6th, 2012, and apparently EA has made quite a few fans unhappy after announcing that there will be a DLC available the day it releases.  Downloadable-Content (DLC) has been looked down upon by the community as what was once a great idea to offer more out of a game well after its release as it has become a dirty practice in the industry to purposely taking out contents of a game that should have already been in the game only to sell it back to the players for a price.  What keeps this trend going is that it is an effective business system as people still buy the DLCs knowing that it will eventually cost more than the game itself.  It's a reflection of what business model works best in this generation.  Games or content that cost only $1-$15 has become a normal trend in buying games through digital distribution or micro-transactions/DLCs for existing games.  With such small price tags, it gives the illusion that one is not paying all that much for their purchase.  $5 doesn't seem too bad for a DLC, but the customers are already paying $60 for the entire game already and would expect the most out of it for full price.  Just a few years ago, games would launch at its full entirety for the retail price people would pay for.  With the new trend making more money, games are rushed out sooner with less content for the same price which is what's bothering a lot of people.

Personally, I am very against DLCs and have only bought them for insane discounts on Steam as I find their existence to lower the quality and ethics of game development in the industry.  I think it's great when a developer wants to offer more out of an existing game; however, the price tag that they (or their publishers) place on them just feels like a cheap way to make more money without being justified as a worthy purchase.  The matter on Mass Effect 3's DLC doesn't really bother me too much as I don't plan on getting the game anytime soon.  I have yet to finish 1 and 2 (lost my save files from my laptop crashing, remember?) and so I feel I can wait it out and eventually get the game when I'm ready and play through just the main story.  Mass Effect 3 releases on March 6, 2012 and the demo is available for download now.

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