Monday, February 27, 2012

GameLight - Warhammer Online: Wrath of Heroes

Official Site:

Source: Youtube Channel gamespot

Over the weekend, I finally took the time to download and play Warhammer Online: Wrath of Heroes as it has been released to the public in its open beta testing.  Wrath of Heroes is a special PvP (Player vs. Player)-centric multiplayer take on Warhammer Online's main MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) Age of Reckoning.  It takes two modes (at the moment, Capture Point and Death Match) and pits three teams against each other using pre-made characters, each with their own unique abilities, role in the team, and 5 usable skills.  Joining a game from the main menu is much like joining a PvP in other MMORPGs with players joining getting matched up and placed into a server to play.  When the match starts, the player can choose from any of the characters available and can purchase more later on when they earn enough in-game currency.  When a player dies, they will respawn and choose to play the same character or choose a different one to adapt to the situation.  Like any MMORPG PvP match, knowing your role and complimenting them with your team mates' characters is the key to victory.  You have the tank who charges in and pins down the enemy while the damage dealer takes care of them, the healer who keeps their team alive, the support who buffs allies and debuffs enemies, the DPS (Damage Per Second/Damage Dealer) who causes the most damage, etc.  Since each character only has 5 skills to cast from, sticking to their role is very important.  An assassin charging in head first will probably get killed before they can take down their target.  A healer trying to hard to fight will do no damage and have their team suffer.  And the classic: if everyone chooses a DPS, the team will most likely fail to achieve anything as their tanks, disablers, and healers will overwhelm the team.

The gameplay feels a lot like any MMORPG in PvP mode, which is great for anyone who like PvP but hates grinding for levels and farming for equipment.  The game provides the most bare necessities for a fun PvP experience placing everyone on equal levels.  Victory is dependent on skill and teamwork and focuses on that as they take out any variables of class paths, items, character level, or perks.  The game is very fast-paced and can be confusing for new-comers of the genre, but I believe it's pretty easy to pick up after a few rounds (considering that I don't PvP that much in MMORPGs, I learned pretty quickly).  By simplifying it down to 5 skills, players won't have to juggle a series of skills to figure out what does what and be able to catch on the strategies to the character more quickly.  The game is free to play and is available as an open beta.  Click on the official site up top and register for an account to try it out.  It's great for any players who likes PvP but don't have the time to play a full blown MMORPG to do so.

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