Monday, February 21, 2011

GameLight - FPS Games of 2011

After playing 20+ First-Person Shooter (FPS) games in 2010, I guess it wasn’t too surprising when a few of the games I’m looking forward to in 2011 were shooters.  Yes, there are a lot of shooters, like there always have been in the past, that look the same but don’t play the same.  After having an extensive experience with a wide range of FPS games, I can see and respect the differences between them which makes it all the more difficult to choose between them all.  I’ve picked out three to highlight on today: Bulletstorm, Homefront, and Crysis 2.

Source: Youtube Channel GamerLiveTV
Bulletstorm – This game was announced quite a while ago and has caught my interest in its crazy, over the top, arcade feeling with the points and extreme methods of killing an enemy.  The game is bright and colorful as opposed to the military shooter where everything is dark, brown, and muddled.  Tactical shooters aren’t bad, but it’s nice to see that there can be variety among shooters within the industry (or genre).  I’ve tried out the demo and laughed at all the crazy combos the game allowed the player to do.  I was able to tether and enemy, pull them towards me, kick in the face, shoot them with an explosive, and have it collide with all his buddies in the back.  What I was hoping for was a local, two-player split-screen co-op campaign that I could play with my friend.  Games are lacking local multiplayer nowadays and it makes it hard to bring friends together to play some games at home.  Because of this, I’m not very sure if I’m going to get it full price at $60.  I might wait till it drops down to $40 or $30 before purchasing it since it’ll mainly be for the single player campaign.

Source: Youtube Channel TheEGBot
Homefront – I remember seeing the banner for this game along the halls of E3 2010’s convention but didn’t see any videos or game booths promoting for it.  When I got home to look at trailers for it, I was shocked at the premise of the story.  North Korea and South Korea unites and attacks America?  Not only is that politically thought provoking, but it’s also a very scary scenario seeing how North Korea has an unstable government as it is.  I’m not sure why, but I’m drawn towards the game and am very curious of how the game plays in both campaign and multiplayer.  After watching some more gameplay videos that were released, it doesn’t seem that far from other shooters like Call of Duty and Battlefield Bad Company 2.  Does this game have anything special that separates it from the rest of the genre besides its story?  Multiplayer will support 16 v 16 maps from what I know so far and will take largely in urban areas.  I don’t think I want to buy it, but I definitely want to try it out once it has released.

Source: Youtube Channel eavision
Crysis 2 – The game looks amazing!  Truth to be told, I didn’t care about Crysis 2 until just a few days ago when I saw some videos of how the gameplay for multiplayer will look and how fluid all the actions and animations look.  The visuals are breathtaking, which brings me to the big question: should I even get this for PC or should I get it on PS3?  I don’t mind playing FPS on console, but there are times where I would like to play it on PC for that freedom using the mouse to whip around 180 degrees and such.  But the problem is that Crysis 2 will be a very demanding game for the graphics card and processor and I don’t think my laptop can handle that.  I had the same problem when choosing between PC and PS3 for Medal or Honor (I chose PS3 and am happy with that decision).  So in the videos I saw, the nanosuit augmentations play a large part in the strategy against other players and emphasizes the Sci-Fi part of the game rather than just be another shooter.  The sliding and fence hopping puts Brink in a very difficult position since those were the main features for their game.  Will people still buy Brink if Crysis 2 has all the functionalities of it?  I was actually really excited for Brink since their first trailer, but now I’m not very sure after comparing the gameplay videos between Crysis 2 and Brink.  Out of all the FPS announced so far, Crysis 2 is on top of the list for me (and is the absolute last one to really cross my mind until just a few days ago).  There’s only one thing I need to do first before it comes out…play through Crysis 1…

Here are the other FPS games coming out this year:
-Killzone 3 – I didn’t play the first two and I didn’t really like the controls after trying out the demo for Killzone 2.  Perhaps the 3rd one will surprise me.
-Brink – I had a lot of hope for this one, but I’m not sure how it will play out anymore.
-Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 – I’m curious what Sledgehammer games have in store for the franchise, but it also worries me how the story will end (yes, I care very much about the story).
-Battlefield 3 – I didn’t play BF2 that much since I played it at a friend’s house, but it was a fun and interesting experience.  DICE isn’t showing much of BF3 yet, so I have no opinions of it.
-Rage – I saw this at E3 and I’m not particularly interested in the game from what I saw so far.
-XCOM – The ideas they have for the game sounds interesting so far, but I have nothing to compare it to since I never played the original XCOM games.
-Resistance 3 – I stopped caring about Resistance after I got through the 2nd one.  The first one was fun and I played through it five times on all the difficulty levels and I played the PSP spin-off “Retribution” and thought it was an interesting experience (not necessarily as fun as the original, but a good story and solid gameplay).  Resistance 2 just disappointed me gameplay wise and story wise.  The multiplayer was fun for a short while, and then I got bored of it.
-Duke Nukem Forever – It’s sad because it seems more of a joke rather than excited enthusiasm for the announcement of this game getting a release.
-Serious Sam 3 – The game stops being as funny after a while.  I’m not sure what else they can really do with the series besides better graphics.
-Doom 4 – I never got into Doom that much.  Doom 3 got kind of boring after a while and I never finished it.  I really wanted to, but I didn’t feel like I made much progress.
-F.E.A.R. 3 - I haven’t played any of them, but I really should.  Despite it being a horror shooter, I heard the gameplay was decent and players had a lot of fun.
-Conduit 2 – I’ve been meaning to buy the first one, but not for its full price.  I would much rather buy the game at a lower price and play through the campaign than having the online multiplayer tied into it.  I don’t think there are really all that many “public” online players on Wii, only private games held by friends/communities.

That’s it for today, here’s hoping for some good shooters in 2011.

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