Thursday, April 18, 2013

NewNews - Monster Hunter Online in China

Source: Youtube Channel GamesHQMedia

Looks like another Monster Hunter game is not going to see the West again with Capcom and Tencent working together on releasing Monster Hunter Online in China.  It utilizes the technology of the CryEngine 3 so the graphics and animations are really beautiful.  It will be released as a free-to-play MMO with a micro-transaction system to keep the game afloat.  I can see why Capcom would be hesitant to try that in North America and even Europe considering the competition and the lower success rate that free-to-play MMOs have in the Western market.

From a gamers point of view, this would be really cool.  Instead of going from one pocket of enemies to another in most MMORPGs, Monster Hunter Online would be all about one epic boss fight after another.  We can only hope that Monster Hunter Online might get to see the light of day over in the West, but at least we got Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (if only the 3DS version had online play).

-Joystiq - CryEngine 3-powered Monster Hunter Online headed to China

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