Monday, February 11, 2013

VGCulture - League of Legends Lunar New Year Skins

Official Site:
Every year, Riot Games will celebrate Chinese/Lunar New Year with the rest of the community with special releases of Champion Skins.  This year, it's not just 1-2 skins, but 5 of them.  For a limited of time, players can buy a special oriental themed skin for Annie, Cassiopeia, Corki, Jarvan IV, and Xin Zhao.  I'm most fond of Jarvan IV's Lu Bu skin and Xin Zhao's Zhao Yun skin which both has the likeness of those character designs from the Dynasty Warrior's series by Koei.  Aside from Champion skins, there also special wards, gifting, summoner icons, and a paper craft contest.  Click on the top link to check the details.  Happy Chinese/Lunar New Year's!  May fortune and good health bless you all.

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