Wednesday, February 27, 2013

NewNews - ShootMania Storm Open Beta

Official Site:
Steam Page:
Source: Youtube Channel ubisoft

I mentioned ShootMania Storm a few times last year and had hoped to play it during the Winter of 2012 but was later delayed to Early 2013.  Not having checked for a while, ShootMania Storm had showed up Steam with a "demo" which happens to be Open Beta.  ShootMania Storm is a twitch-based First-Person Shooter that allows players to create their own levels and customize their character look.  Much like classic twitch-based shooters such as Quake and Unreal Tournament, gameplay is extremely fast-paced and requires quick reflexes.  Other players won't be standing still as much and will most likely be flying all over the place which makes it really difficulty to land hits.  I'm downloading the Open Beta right now as I write this article, but watching tournament videos of the game I can say that the graphics are absolutely gorgeous.  The gameplay is very fluid if not scary seeing how fast everything goes.  I really hope this game gets really big and captures a strong community of level creators and custom game makers.  I love Call of Duty and many other tactical-shooters in the past decade, but I really miss the excitement and craziness of twitch-based shooters.  So I'm hoping ShootMania Storm will bring some of that community back.  ShootMania Storm officially releases in April 2013 and is available on Steam for a 10% discount for pre-purchase of $17.99 from its regular price of $19.99.

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