Friday, January 18, 2013

GameLight - Final Fantasy All The Bravest

Official Site: Final Fantasy All The Bravest on iOS
Source: Youtube Channel squareenix

I saw this little game 2 days ago on Joystiq and thought "wow, what a quirky little game that looks fast-paced and instantaneously satisfying!"  Final Fantasy All The Bravest is an iOS downloadable game for iPod/iPhones and iPad where the player controls up to 40 characters on screen by swiping and poking to fight off enemies.  The game looks ridiculous, but also entertaining at the same time.  For $3.99, this game looked great!  Then today, I found out there was a catch.  The game is centered around micro-transactions.  You want a new map?  $3.99.  You want another character?  $.99 but you can't choose who you get, it's entirely random.  Your party members have fallen and you can choose to wait 3 minutes to 2 hours or you can pay to have them revived.  A game shouldn't revolve around paying just to progress through a game.  It's like paying a whole line of tolls on a highway just to get to the beach.  The player is paying so much just to be able to have a few minutes of fun before having to pay more.  It reminds me of the comic Penny Arcade drew back in 2005 (which btw the guys over there hated this game too).  I'd love to try out Final Fantasy All The Bravest, but it's certainly not something I'd put money into.  Does Square-Enix really care that little about their fans now?  If you're willing to take the risk and give the game a shot, click on the top link and pick it up for $3.99.  I'd recommend playing on an iPad rather than a iPod touch/iPhone seeing how much area space is needed.

-Joystiq: Final Fantasy All The Bravest hits iOS tomorrow
-Kotaku: The Slow, Excruciating Death Of Final Fantasy

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