Thursday, September 13, 2012

NewNews - Wii U Announcement

Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel IGNentertainment

In 2011, the amount of Wii games released was minuscule and the ones that did were mostly overlooked other than main stay franchises such as Zelda and Kirby.  It was no surprise that the Wii U was announced and was being pushed forward as Nintendo's next step into the market.  Nintendo has finally announced today that the new Nintendo console will be available on November 18th, 2012 with two versions: Wii U Basic White with 8-GB worth of memory for $299.99 and Wii U Deluxe Black with 32-GB worth of memory for $349.99.  It's a bit pricy, but not unreasonable.

Like with any other console, there needs to be a reason to get them.  Usually, the reason is to play the games available for them.  The one game that caught many gamer's attention at this year's E3 was ZombiU.  It looked dark, gritty, challenging, and a bit more for the core gamer.  What seems to be the case is that Nintendo is welcoming back their hardcore gamers back into the community as they have been largely ignored throughout the lifespan of the Nintendo Wii.  Games such as Batman Arkham City, Assassin's Creed 3, Darksiders 2, Mass Effect 3 and Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 have been generally for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC and was never available to the Nintendo Wii (with the exception of Call of Duty games having dumbed down ports).  With a traditional controller available, Nintendo hopes to bring back their core gaming community (probably because their casual gamers started to abandon them for mobile and social games).

Right now, two games have been announced for the Wii U that has caught my attention and has me seriously considering buying one.  One of them is Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper.  I was happy to hear that it was brought over to the Western market, but was disappointed when I found out that the PS3 version was digital download only.  There is another chance now that a retail version will be released for the Wii U in the Western market.  That'll be one game I'd really like.  The other being this one:

The first Bayonetta was Console exclusive to PS3 and Xbox 360.  But it seems like Nintendo and Sega has agreed to release a sequel exclusively for the Nintendo Wii U.  That's very sneaky.  But I imagine more great games will release for the Wii U that will make owning the system worth while.  I hope the same is true for the Nintendo 3DS.  I'm happy I own one now, but I'm still lacking games for the system.  That Super Smash Bros. title mentioned earlier in the year would be a great addition to the 3DS.  Here's hoping for a successful launch and fruitful gaming for the Nintendo Wii U!

Release Date: November 18th, 2012
   -Wii U Basic White (8GB) - $299.99
   -Wii U Deluxe Black (32GB) - $349.99

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