Tuesday, September 18, 2012

GameLight - Borderlands 2 First Impressions

Official Site: http://www.borderlands2.com/
Steam Page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/49520/
Source: Youtube Channel IGNentertainment

The free-roaming, Action-RPG, First-Person Shooter, Co-op game Borderlands 2 released last night and I ended up pre-purchasing it so I got to start playing early.  Forget everything you knew about the first game and prepare yourselves for a new Pandora.  Here are some differences I noticed:

-Obviously a new cast of characters, but now their appearances can be changed
-Graphics look nicer for some reason, not sure if it's sharper or more detailed
-Lots of crazy new properties on guns (grenade reload)
-Different story arcs (I was fighting very different bosses than my friends)
-Game is significantly more difficult (already died a lot)
-Skill tree allows for a greater amount of customization in playstyle
-Sleek user-interface that allows the player to see their character in menu
-Better drop-in/drop-out mechanic for multiplayer

So far, I'm liking the game, but I can tell it's incredibly buggy.  I've run into a lot of odd problems with hit-box detection, getting stuck on the sides of buildings, enemies spawning out of nowhere all around the player, enemies not reacting to damage, and hosting/connecting to other players in multiplayer.  The game is certainly playable, but it lacks some refinement at the moment.  Borderlands 2 is now available for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC scoring high in the 80's on metacritic.

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