Friday, September 7, 2012

GameLight - I Am Alive

Steam Page:
Source: Youtube Channel clayman90

This post-apocalyptic Action-Survival game has been out on consoles for XBLA and PSN and has recently been released on PC available through the steam platform.  I didn't pay much attention to the game before, but I decided to check up on it now that I have a PC that can handle high-end graphics and this game seemed to look really good in terms of aesthetics.  The platforming reminds me a bit of Uncharted, but the combat is unique in that it plays with psychology and split-second decisions.  I hear that the DayZ mod is similar in that the player has scarce resources, ammunition, and a lot of people who don't trust each other.  That seems to be the case in "I Am Alive."  In the example video above, we can see that the player starts off with a pistol with no ammo and no weapons to defend himself with.  At one point, he is engaged by a man with a machete with no weapon himself.  The player can point the gun at enemies and fool them into thinking that they're a threat, and I imagine that pulling on the trigger would reveal the ruse and cause the enemy to kill the player.  So the game is definitely not a first-person/third-person shooter, but a true survival game that requires wits and decisions.  There has been some changes to the PC version such as an easy mode where the player can replay parts of the game where as the original game on consoles probably saved whatever decisions were made, good or bad, which affected the outcome of the story.  The game looks dark, gritty, immersive, and a whole lot of fun.  I Am Alive is available for Xbox 360 and PS3 through their respective digital distributions as well as for the PC available on Steam for $14.99.

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