Friday, July 20, 2012

VGCulture - First World Problems

Steam Summer Sales are coming to a close as the last 3 days have arrived.  I have spent enough to buy two retail games for console at full price, but out of that I picked up 22 games thus far.  These extreme discounts make this feel like a gamer's paradise.  It does seem like I have spent a lot just to get some games, but that's not really the main concern here.  When most of us were younger, we had all the time in the world to play games (if we were allowed to, I wasn't) but didn't have the money to get them.  Now that the ones who have become adults and have jobs and making money can afford them, we come to the realization that we don't have enough time to do the things we enjoy anymore.  Sure, some of us are still plugging hours into our games each week, but not enough to go through a huge backlog stacked up throughout the years.

I have mentioned this in the past, but I mainly avoided RPGs and Adventure games throughout college because I knew I didn't have the time to sit down and enjoy them.  It was then that I focused on First-Person Shooters, Shoot-em-ups, and Fighting games.  I didn't have any obligations to finish anything as they were mostly for the experience.  When I graduated out of college, I started buying a butt ton of RPGs, Action-Adventure games, and some strategy games (I still mostly avoid them, I'll explain).  I definitely play more games now than I ever have, but I also realize that I'm busy mostly throughout the day and play for a few hours at night.  With the ability to grab so many of the games I've always wanted and the ones that are discounted, I ended up with a rather large backlog of games (I never knew what backlog meant until after college).  As much as I enjoy RPGs, they still seem to take too long before I complete them.  I still keep buying them though because I like them so much.  Besides the sheer amount of games I have and worrying about not having enough time to go through them; I myself, have to worry about whether the game is fun or not.  If it turns out to be a bad game, I have more reason to play it to treat it like a study game.  I learn more about design from bad games than I do from good ones.  It's a sad realization for all gamers to find that they can finally afford to buy games but don't have the time to play all of them.

On a side note, this doesn't only to apply to gamers, but anyone who's into entertainment media.  There are so many movies, shows, and books that some people just simply can't keep up with it.  For me personally, I watch Animé, read manga and novels, and very very rarely now watch Asian dramas on top of playing games.  I have placed playing games as a priority and so omit trying to keep up with tv shows (like Game of Thrones) and movies (like all those comic book adaptations everyone's watching) and tend to do all the other activities a lot less.  This goes on top of everything else I do including work, drawing, practicing music, writing, and exercising.  As much as I hated school, it was the only real obligation I had in my life that I had to worry about before.  I know many share the same situation, but we should all remember to enjoy the things we like in life while we work just as hard.

-Joystiq: The Steam Summer Sale trap

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