Friday, July 13, 2012

VGCulture - Falling asleep during a game

It doesn't happen to all of us, but a fair amount of gamers would be able to relate to incidents of falling asleep while playing a game.  Sometimes, we have dreams about the game we're playing.  Other times, we doze off for a short duration and realize that the game is still going.  Other times, there are funny stories to tell.  Most of us that have grown up and have to take on responsibilities during the day will most likely play games after work or at night right before sleeping.  So it's understandable when someone falls asleep while playing a game during this time.  Either that, we're just tired that day.

My father works long hours each day and sometimes gets barely 3 hours of sleep at night.  Work is stressful for him and playing Dynasty Warriors 5 Xtreme Legends helps him relieve that anxiety.  He plays a mode called "Xtreme Mode" which is a challenge mode for Dynasty Warriors 5 where the players tries to complete as many missions as possible before their character dies.  The mode implements perma-death and so dying or running out of time would end the challenge and start from the very beginning again.  Each missions allows only 15 minutes and for Dynasty Warriors fans, they know this is very short.  There was this one time my father got pretty far (he'll be able to continue the challenge for up to a week) but had fallen asleep during one of the missions.  When he woke up, he had found out that he had less than 15 seconds left on the clock and lost in that way.  It reminded me of a time where I took a scholastic test in High School and fell asleep and woke up only to find out that I had 15 minutes left (I marked down "C" for the rest of the multiple choice test).  I'm pretty sure many gamers have had incidents where they were fighting a boss (or even a final boss) and fell sleep only to wake up and find out that they had died.

I've had an incident such as this before.  I couldn't sleep one night and decided to play Phantasy Star Portable on my PSP.  I was getting close to the end of one of my missions and decided to sleep after beating the boss.  When I got to the boss, I was super sleepy by then.  My eyes were super heavy and I started drifting in and out of sleep.  For those familiar with the Phantasy Star series, I was fighting Del Rol Le.  After about 5 minutes or so of fighting it, I guess I fell asleep.  When I woke up, I realized I still had the PSP in my hand and looked in amazement that my character and my allies were still alive.  My partner device had kept me alive all this time I was asleep.  I looked at the clock and realized that I was asleep for an entire hour!  After beating the boss, I looked at the record to see if I really did fall asleep for an entire hour.  Under the record, I really sleep through that entire boss battle having my healer keep my alive the entire time.

Ever since then, I generally just go to sleep if I start getting sleepy lest I get into an important battle only to knock out and wake up to find my character defeated.

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