Friday, May 11, 2012

VGCulture - Diablo 3 features

Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel diablo

I'm going to do my best and list all the awesome features of Diablo 3 possible:
-Choose between 5 unique classes: Barbarian, Wizard, Monk, Witch Doctor, and Demon Hunter
-Randomly generated levels (like its predecessors)
-Attributes are set, but ability sets can be changed and customized (Player skill over character stats)
-Skill runes changes the effects of an ability or enhances them
-Followers (much like bodyguards from D2) have their own equipment and upgradeable skills
-Crafting and Artisans allow a player to improve equipment, augment attributes, and create new items
-You can re-spec skills (as mentioned above) so limitless builds for different play-styles are possible
-Universal stash to share items between characters
-No need to collect scrolls and tomes to return back to town or identify items
-Unwanted items can be sold from the inventory menu (unless they took this feature out? I'm not sure)
-Everyone in co-op mode gets their own loot, no need to fight for dibs
-Auction house in-game (rather than shady 3rd-party sites).  I feel like people are still gonna use alternatives
-PvP Areans created specifically for head-to-head competitive play
-Inferno difficulty, a level beyond "hell" difficulty
-Achievements, everyone's doing it, might as well add it

I'm probably missing a whole lot of other things, but being able to re-spec my character is enough to get me pumped up for Diablo 3 among the other dozens of new features.

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