Wednesday, May 30, 2012

GameLight - ShootMania Storm

Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel maniaplanet

Anyone who has played the versatile racing course creator "TrackMania" will be happy to hear that Nadeo is creating another incredible game for the First-Person Shooter genre.  ShootMania Storm is a competitive, fast-paced, arena-style, first-person shooter with beautiful graphics and a comprehensive arena creator so that players can make their own levels to fight in.  As much as I like tactical-military first-person shooters, the industry needs to make other types of first-person shooters once again.  I had high hopes for "Nexuiz" but it has sadly been met with unfavorable reviews or was neglected altogether.  I'm not a huge fan of Quake and Unreal Tournament, but I have played them in the past and really enjoy the open feeling of the games where movement and falling knows no boundary.  With ShootMania, there are endless possibilities for game types, level design, and interesting machinima as long as there's a community for it.  I'm hoping this game will get big and provide long replay value as a casual game to mess around with as well as a competitive one.  ShootMania Storm is set to launch on PC exclusively through digital distributions by the end of 2012.

On a side note, TrackMania 2: Canyon is out right now for $24.99 and Nadeo seems to be working on a game called "QuestMania" an RPG which has me very excited.

-Kotaku: Bring on Shootmania, A Shooter Without Guns

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