Monday, January 23, 2012

GameLight - Warriors Orochi 3

Official Site:

Source: Youtube Channel ZhaoYun2011

Happy Lunar New Years Everyone!  According to the Eastern Animal Zodiac, it is the year of the Dragon.  Speaking of dragons, the dragon of the Hayabusa clan is returning in a new game; and I'm not talking about Ninja Gaiden 3.  RYU HAYABUSA IS IN WARRIORS OROCHI 3!!!

Source: Youtube Channel KING90I

Oh man, a chill went down my spine when I heard the remixed version of Ryu Hayabusa's original tune from the NES days come on.  I didn't pay much attention to Warriors Orochi 3 after I learned that it wasn't going to be brought over to the Western market early last year.  So it was a huge surprise when I heard today that it was going to be released in North America in March this year!!! (Supposedly March 20th)  Even more surprising was that Ryu Hayabusa of the Ninja Gaiden series was going to be in it!  Not only that, but characters from Warriors: Legends of Troy, Bladestorm, Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll and Dead or Alive are also going to join the huge cast of characters from Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors:

Source: Youtube Channel ZhaoYun2011

Altogether, the game has 120+ characters to choose from!  For those unfamiliar with the Warriors Orochi series: It's a spin-off that started with only Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors back on the Playstation 2.  A dimensional rift pulls the warriors of Ancient 3 Kingdom Era China and Sengoku Era Japan together to a strange land where they either join or oppose the Snake King "Orochi" (A snake demon in Japanese culture).  Some major differences in gameplay are the ability to switch between any three characters chosen for battle at any given time, chain attacks from multiple characters together, every individual character has a special attack unique only to them, and your proximity to allied troops has an influence to how they act on the battlefield.  Warriors Orochi is possibly the best spin-off Koei has done for the "Warriors" series and am incredibly happy to hear that it's being brought over.  I'm saddened that I never got around to getting and playing Warriors Orochi 2, but I had anticipated a 3rd one to come out and didn't get it.  So upon hearing that it wasn't being brought over made me lose my interest in pursuing the series any further.  Now I'm more excited than ever about its release, especially with even more collaborated games from within their IP.  If you're new to the series, I highly recommend picking up Warriors Orochi 2.  It's really a lot of fun!  THANK YOU TECMOKOEI!

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