Tuesday, January 24, 2012

GameLight - Super Mario Bros. Crossover 2.0

Source: Youtube Channel machinima

Gah, I don't know how I missed this.  This news is actually 5 days old now, but sadly the game isn't out yet.  So if you've played the original Super Mario Bros. Crossover project, you'll be excited to hear about all the crazy new things being put into the next one.  Along with the SNES version graphics and music, we have returning characters such as Link, Samus, Bill, Ryu, the tank from Blaster Master, Megaman, Protoman, Bass, Simon, Trevor and now Luigi (not sure who the Demon is from, Castlevania?).  There will also be GB counter-parts of levels, characters, and music (or so it seems).  If you have never heard of the project, it's essentially the original Super Mario Bros. with the ability to play as many other classic Nintendo characters from the NES days.  Each character has their own ability and mimic the skills and move sets of their game counter-part.  The game is free to play on exploding rabbit's site linked right above.  You can also make a save file on your computer and load it to continue where you left off.  It's a fun little distraction and this newest update will sure to provide that much more to do and play.

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