Thursday, January 26, 2012

VGCulture - Games of 2011

I have compiled an extensive list of games from 2011 (not all games from 2011 are listed here) here to share.  I have made short comments on ones I was lucky enough to play this past year.  I think 2011 was an even bigger year for gaming than 2010 was.

For a very condensed version of the list, scroll to the bottom.

Notes: Numbers after the title is the Metacritic score average

Games that Rocked
-Modern Combat: Domination (67) – This game alright for a downloadable game for only $7.  I ended up not buying since I don’t really like DLC games (I only have 80 GB on my PS3), but it was fun playing what I could from it.
-Two Worlds 2 (70) – Two Worlds 2 was surprisingly fun and so I’m waiting for the price of it to go down in Steam (and to finish other ARPG games) before I purchase and play through it.
-Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (84): Fate of Two Worlds – MvC3 was seriously a lot of fun, though I was hoping for more characters since there were so many to choose from in MvC2.  UMvC3 remedied that, and by adding Phoenix Wright to the mix!
-Hyperdimension Neptunia (45) – I was extremely worried when I bought the game since it received such low scores.  Fortunately, it turned out to be really entertaining!  The humor made me laugh and happy, the ability to customize combos made it feel more personal, and the easy going feel of the game made it really enjoyable to play.
-Bulletstorm (83) – It wasn’t mind blowing or crazy awesome as a whole, but there were crazy awesome moments that blew minds away.  The game was entertaining, but it’s not something I’d want to replay over and over.
-Dragon Age 2 (82) – Dragon Age 1 was kind of boring when I tried it, but when I played the demo for DA2, I had to get the game.  DA2 has a good balance between fast-paced action with the RPG elements of story, planning, leveling and such.
-Crysis 2 (85) – Although the story to Crysis 2 wasn’t as good as the first, the gameplay was far superior in every aspect.  Going stealth made a lot more sense, controls were tight, multiplayer was fun, everything about Crysis 2 was a huge improvement over Crysis 1 (albeit the story).
-Dynasty Warriors 7 (57) – Following up the disappointment of DW6, I didn’t want to get DW7 until I saw the gameplay.  One of the very few games I bought for full price in 2011, DW7 is possibly the best in its series and has become one of my favorite games for the PS3.  Story mode is a huge change from the previous 5 games and made me care about characters I didn’t before.  The game mechanics are more diverse and even more fast-paced than before.  I absolutely love this game!
-Portal 2 (95) – Of course Portal 2 would be a great game.  It’s a co-op centric game that emphasizes solely on team-work and is a great game to play with a friend.
-Mortal Kombat (84) – This iteration of the game is a lot different from its predecessors in terms of game mechanics.  It’s a lot more challenging, but fairer for a competitive environment.  Still, I’m not a huge MK fan and so I ended up not buying it.  But anyone looking for a fighting game should consider this version of MK as its one of the best they’ve done in a long time.
-Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition (80) – Since I didn’t get the original “Super SF4”, I felt okay dishing out the $40 for what was only 4 extra characters and some new enhancements for those who already owned SSF4.  The treat for me between the “original” Street Fighter 4 and Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition was that the stories were different (cinematics essentially).  SSF4:AE is a solid fighter and one I should probably play more often…
-Section 8: Prejudice – I honestly don’t know why more people don’t play this online.  The game has nice twists to it, it’s different from other shooters, and it’s only $15.  I was lucky enough to play multiplayer with some people online before it died out entirely, and it was a lot of fun.  I mainly have it now to play through the story.  I think I can also play multiplayer against bots, so I might still play it for that too.
-Deus Ex: Human Revolution (89) – The game is a lot harder than I thought, but does have that open world environment that the previous installments did.  This will be one game that will take me the rest of the year to finish, haha.
-White Knight Chronicles 2 (60) – WKC2 comes with the first game which is good since I didn’t get it before.  WKC2 went far and beyond my expectations and is a lot more fun than I thought it’d be.  I didn’t expect there to be such a decisive story with cinematics and other characters joining you.  There’s a LOT of planning needed, but that’s half the fun when you get to invent your own combos and build your own type of character.  The combat is more entertaining than I had expected as the action gauge style put me off and I wasn’t sure if I was going to like the game because of it.  This will be one game I’ll be playing for a while.
-Dungeon Defenders (81) – Playing DD single-player is a really challenging task and a lot of its entertainment value comes from playing with other people.  I really like the game, but I do not like how it’s constantly charging more and more for DLCs like Magicka has been doing.
-Beat Hazard Ultra (64) – This was one DLC I was okay with as it didn’t cost too much (at least during sales).  Having those few extra bosses and perks changed the game around and added a lot more depth to it.
-Payday: The Heist (70) – I’m not sure if I could say that the game was awesome, but it definitely wasn’t terrible.  $20 feels like a bit much, but it provides a decent amount of missions to play on with a Left 4 Dead sort of gameplay along with character leveling to change the role/class one plays in the team.  It’s fun, I suppose, but it’s also really difficult.
-Dark Souls (89) – The level structure of Dark Souls is exactly how I imagined Demon’s Souls to be when I first heard about the Demon’s Souls.  Dark Souls has a lot more unexpected moments than Demon’s Souls does and it’s really frightening not having that feeling of respite that Demon’s Souls had inside the Nexus.  I do love the extended amount of freedom that Dark Souls offers and it makes it feel even more adventurous than before.  I’m not sure if I’ll be playing this as much as I did Demon’s Souls, but so far it’s been really fun.
-Battlefield 3 (85) – I’m going to be doing a review for it soon, hopefully.  The single-player campaign was boring and disappointing seeing how EA and DICE made a really fun campaign in Medal of Honor (2010) and Battlefield Bad Company 2.  Thankfully, the multiplayer is fun and exciting or I would have felt very ripped off.  BF3 feels more like a continuation of the Bad Company series than its main series in terms of the way the gameplay is setup, but it’s fun nonetheless.
-Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (88) – There’s a lot of love and hate for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.  I wasn’t going to get it just because of the dispute IW and Activision had with the result of having many great minds of IW leaving the studio.  But I couldn’t help myself as I really enjoyed MW2 and Black Ops disappointed me (to an extent, it was still fun) and so I ended up buying MW3.  Campaign has become routine and doesn’t seem to offer anything too new (it’s semi-entertaining at least).  Multiplayer is more challenging than ever with players knowing what they’re doing and not being able to take as many hits as usual.  I love the changes done to multiplayer and favors to more playstyles than just a few.  I still miss the great level designs that MW2 had (probably the best in the series), but it’s not worth paying $15 DLC map packs for.
-The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (92) – It is game of the year for a reason.  The world is huge, there’s lots to do, the player has tons of freedom, messing around is just as fun as the actual game, and the changes to class specific abilities emphasizes the advantages even more than previous installments.  Skyrim is my relaxation game, and it’s just a lot of fun.
-Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (80) – I think it was worth the purchase.  I’m upset that its essentially the same game with extra stuff, but the additional characters and mode made it worth while to play through if one has played through the original thoroughly or hasn’t even played it at all.  Playing as Phoenix Wright is a lot of fun~
-Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition (85) – This was, hands down, the best game when the 3DS launched.  The 3D was okay and the action perspective wasn’t incredible, but it delivered the solid console fighter really well on a portable system.  It is kind of hard executed 3 punches and 3 kicks without a dedicated button for it, but at least you can easily perform a special via the touch screen.
-Samurai Warriors Chronicles (61) – It’s an interesting take on the series.  I’m glad it allows the player to move freely around the whole map like the original game does as many portable version goes for a turn-based strategy sort of movement.  What the game lacked was extra content for the replay value.  It was an okay launch title for the 3DS and is at least a lot better than the other games that launched along side with it.
-Bloodline Champions (80) – It finally came out and eventually joined the many free MMOs on Steam’s list of games available for download.  A few of my friends thought it was boring so I wasn’t sure what to expect.  The game turned out to be fun, but really hard to learn everything so quickly.  It’s competitive, fast-paced, but ultimately an entertaining online game to jump on and play a few rounds once in a while.
-Monday Night Combat (82) – I’m glad the game finally came out on PC.  There are some issues with lag, hosting private games, and glitches within the game that deters me away from it, but it’s still fun.  The variety of classes offers many play styles and “tries to” promote teamwork.  Super Monday Night Combat is in the works right now, set to release this year.
-Who’s That Flying?! (76) – I’m not sure if I should place it under here.  It’s not a bad game, but it’s not great either.  It’s a pleasant distraction I suppose.  It feels a lot like a flash game played on a browser page.
-Magicka (74) – Magicka is both great and horrible at the same time.  Playing solo is frustrating and extremely difficult; however, playing multiplayer provides some of the most hilarious and whacky fun that a multiplayer co-op game could deliver.  The game is still bugged as balls with the game (or the entire OS) crashing, so that’s frustrating too.  I don’t like how it’s become so money hungry with all the DLCs that keeps releasing.  I’ve stopped buying DLCs and have settled for what I have now.
-Amnesia: The Dark Descent (85) – I definitely need to play more of this because the first two hours I played, I fell asleep (played during Halloween in the dark).  It’s a horror game!  I think this game would be more entertaining to play with a friend so that both of you can scream together.
-Atom Zombie Smasher (75) – It was mildly entertaining; A fun distraction.
-Total War: Shogun 2 (90) – I couldn’t believe how detailed and complex they made the game.  There’s so much you can do and plan to make the most out of your raids and attacks against the enemy.  This is one of those games where you can continually play for hundreds of hours.
-Forsaken World (69) – I can’t say that the game is incredible, but it’s decent WoW clone.  Quests can be kind of repetitive or mundane, but the game’s pacing is a lot better than the other hundred free MMORPGs out there.
-Sanctum (70) – It’s a fun FPS Tower-Defense game, but the game truly shines in multiplayer.  Single-player can be semi-relaxing to very frustrating.  It’s difficult to see what’s going on when the action finally starts.  It’s a game I jump onto to play once in a while.  I prefer Dungeon Defenders or Orcs Must Die! For Action Tower-Defense games.
-Capsized (80) – The game mechanics makes this quirky Action-Adventure game interesting, but I really don’t like the art style.  The colors, environment, objects and characters all clash and make it very difficult to see what is what.  Again: another fun distraction sort of game.
-Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword (68) – I like the Mount & Blade series, but this latest one isn’t too big of a leap from Warband.  Still, the game is pretty fun if you can make it that way.  The Mount & Blade series has always been very open world and makes it hard to enjoy for new comers.  Having the guns fire a little faster would be nice.
-Terraria (83) – I love this game.  From the building to the looting, this Action-Adventure RPG Sandbox game offers so much such simplistic manners.  The graphics are 8-bit retro style, the combat isn’t super complex, yet the game has so much you can do and play from it.  I probably spent the most time on Terraria in 2011, but sadly I lost my save files when my laptop’s hard drive was wiped 2 weeks ago.  101 hours down the drain…yet I still feel like playing the game once more.
-Frozen Synapse (85) – Everyone who’s played this game seems to really like it for some reason.  The game takes quite a while to get the hang of and requires a lot of time to plan.  If the round didn’t go well, you felt like you’ve wasted a lot of time.  The simulation of movement, action/reaction, and strategy is pretty impressive, but I find it difficult to enjoy the game.
-Jamestown: Legend of the Lost Colony (81) – This game “can get” really difficult, but it’s so much fun.  Jamestown brings back the classic arcade shoot-em-up with impressive graphics, tight controls, and difficult levels.  The game also has 4-player local co-op.
-Dungeons of Dredmor (79) – Rogue-like RPGs aren’t popular anymore and have a small niche group, yet these daring developers decided to make one anyways.  This game is seriously a lot of fun.  All the sorts of ways to play and items to loot, the game randomly generates levels, items, and enemy placement for an infinite amount of replay value.
-Cthulhu Saves the World (78) – If you enjoy old classic RPGs from back in the late 80’s early 90’s, you’ll probably get a kick out of this game.  The game is mostly parody and hopes to keep the player humored and laughing.
-Breath of Death VII: The Beginning (N/A) – Same with Cthulhu Saves the World, the game is retro 8-bit RPG that mimics the gameplay of Dragon Quest, Wizardry, and Ultima while referencing a ton of pop-culture and videogames along the way.
-Tobe’s Vertical Adventure (75) – The game is more enjoyable with a friend than solo, but it’s a decent platformer.
-Chantelise: A Tale of Two Sisters (62) – I’m so glad they translated this game.  It’s a simple Japanese indie-developed Action game with some RPG elements mixed in.  It has a certain charm to it that only Japanese games seem to have that makes it so enjoyable.
-Bastion (88) – Like many other gamers, I loved the narration of the game.  It’s a great way to tell the story and added a lot of humor.  It’s quite a polished action-adventure game for an indie developed project.
-Blocks That Matter (76) – With a bit of puzzle solving and platforming, this makes for a nice distraction of my main games.
-Rock of Ages (74) – This game is trippy.  It’s like Super Monkey Ball versus.
-Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad (76) – I’m not sure if I really like the game yet.  The community isn’t as large as I thought it’d be, but at least I’m still able to play it (most people are playing in “realistic” servers, making it hard to learn).  The game is quite difficult, but it has a sense of realism that is both thrilling and not too punishing.  I hope I get more hours into it to make the payment worth it.
-Xotic (67) – This Action Puzzle platformer is pretty unique and though it isn’t mind blowing, it’s still a semi-relaxing game to sit down and play.
-Rusty Hearts (79) – I waited quite a while for Rusty Hearts to release internationally, and I was happy when it finally did.  The game plays well for an online beat-em-up and the humor has me interested in the dialogue and story.  This was probably my favorite free MMO for 2011.
-The Binding of Isaac (83) – The game is disturbingly grotesque with a creepy atmosphere and gross humor.  The creators of Super Meat Boy did a pretty good job with The Binding of Isaac in creating a high replay-value Action-RPG arcade shooter with Rogue-like aspects.  It’s challenging, provocative, and keeps calling you back for more.
-Orcs Must Die! (83) – With a dumb and generic name like “Orcs Must Die!” I didn’t expect the game to be so dastardly fun.  It’s such a riot seeing mobs of Orcs get flung around by traps, explosives, and your own weaponry.  This would probably make a really fun co-op multiplayer game, but it does really well as a single-player game.
-Sequence (68) – The unique blend of music rhythm and RPG made for a tempting purchase, yet I was so confused when trying to play the game.  Once I got the hang of it, it was kind of fun.  I’m hoping that the music rhythm part picks up and has some challenging and fun beats to play to.
-Cave Story+ (N/A) – I had finished the original game back in 2008-2009 but loved it so much that when I saw it available on Steam, I bought it.  I don’t particularly like the “new” music and graphics, but it is optional so I can change it back to the original assets if I wanted to (I’m giving the new stuff a chance).  There’s also a remastered soundtrack as well.
-APB Reloaded (59) – It doesn’t seem like too much has changed from its original launch, but at the very least there are more players on now.  I really like the immersion in the game.  Perhaps I’ll play it a bit more and see if it’s worth sticking to.

Games that did not
-Homefront (70) – The game wasn’t terrible per se, but players spent $60 on a 4 hour campaign mode.  And although multiplayer was fun, it was still glitchy, lacked content, and eventually the community died out which made multiplayer a pointless mode to have.  I was disappointed.
-Brink (72) – Years of waiting led to a disappointing shooter that SHOULD have been awesome.  The core concept of team-work in this FPS was a good idea, but not entirely thought out.  For a game to rely solely on multiplayer, you’d think the developers would hold up a dedicated community for it.  Nope!  Community died out and the game was pretty much not longer playable.  You can play with bots, but the ally bots are so dumb that all responsibility will fall on the player.  It’s frustrating playing with bots (though it was with human players too) and the challenges weren’t entertaining enough to warrant spending any more time with it.  This game had a ton of potential, but it didn’t live up to it.
-Dungeon Siege 3 (71) – It wasn’t what I was expecting, and I suppose I haven’t played enough of it to have a solid conclusion that it wasn’t that great.  The first two games were fun, despite being slower paced and open-ended.  DS3 is more action-orientated, but it felt boring for some strange reason.  I kind of gave up on it, but perhaps I’ll revisit it and give it another try.
-Lord of Arcana (53) – This game made me really sad.  The main reason I decided to try the game out was because the score was written by Nobuo Uematsu (famed composer for the Final Fantasy series).  Sadly, the game is extremely multiplayer centric to the point where it’s boring/impossible to play alone.  The opening tutorial was pretty fun, especially with the boss fight.  Then I wasn’t able to progress any further after the 2nd mission because it no longer gave me Guild points to get a new mission and the multiplayer map is impossible alone.
-Breach (61) – I wasted money on this, but I sort of enjoyed the game a little.  This FPS had a lot of aspects of great shooters such as R6: Vegas’s 3rd-Person View cover and shoot, BF: Bad Company 2’s destructible environment and CoD’s leveling up and shopping for upgrades and equipment.  The mouse aiming was unruly and very floaty, lag was a huge issue, and it was glitches galore all over.  Despite having bad controls and issues, the game was pretty fun and the community was incredibly civil (like, uncharacteristic of the internet type of kindness).  The game was poorly developed, but I had good memories of it for some strange reason.  Multiplayer is dead now (of course).
-Battlefield: Play4Free (68) – Let me say first that I did enjoy the game when I played it.  It has all the basic things you would want from a Battlefield game.  It’s similar to Battlefield Heroes in that the class that they choose is what they’re stuck with unless they create another character.  It is inevitable that there will be glitches and lag issues when it launched.  I stopped playing it after a while because it didn’t hold my interest as strong as I thought it would.  I heard later that paying players had too much of an advantage, and then after a nerf or two paying players were ripped off.  It lacked a variety of maps, leveling was slow, and it was difficult acquiring new weapons.  It has the lowest user score of 0.7 average I have seen on Metacritic.  It’s free, it was fun, but I lost interest in it.  It could have been a lot better.
-Darkspore (65) – It was a good attempt at a top-down Action-RPG, but it just wasn’t interesting after a while.
-Garshasp: The Monster Slayer (49) – The artwork and graphics were unbelievable for an indie-made game; however, the game was poorly constructed.  Combat is kind of fun, but has a clunky combo system, odd jumping animations, and the quick-whip camera angle change which throws me off.  The game mimics many other Action Adventure games such as God of War and Prince of Persia (the 3D ones), but doesn’t have the same polish which makes it seem like a lesser game.  I think this was a good game for me to “study” and see all the problems that can go on in an Action-Adventure game.
-Steel Storm: Burning Retribution (55) – It has a nice arcade-like action to it, but it gets kind of boring after a while and back tracking makes the game feel very slow and tedious.
-War Inc. Battlezone (N/A) – A free2play 3rd-Person Tactical shooter.  The game is mildly entertaining, but lacks content, polish, and is riddled with problems such as server lag, graphic/hitbox glitches, spawning (literally) right behind an enemy, etc.  The game’s community eventually died out and only 1-5 servers will be active if one should want to play.
-E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy (60) – The game is interesting and has a nice immersion to it; however, the game is so horrifically bugged that it’s near impossible to play without it crashing every level.  The inventory and skill tree is also poorly designed as it’s cluttered and messy.  I’ll eventually do a full review of it.
-Rise of Immortals (N/A) – It’s a good attempt of a MOBA, but RoI doesn’t have enough content, is seriously unbalanced, and has too slow of a reaction to clicks and movements to be enjoyed by the community as a whole.  There seems to be people still playing it.  If the developers still stand true to their game, then I hope that they polish it up and make it playable.

Games that were probably great
-LittleBigPlanet 2 (91)
-Dead Space 2 (89)
-Dead Space: Extraction (79)
-Back to the Future: The Game (75)
-Killzone 3 (84)
-Fight Night Champion (84)
-MLB 11: The Show (90)
-Yakuza 4 (78)
-Hard Corps: Uprising (76)
-Top Spin 4 (82)
-Ar Tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel (61)
-Shift 2: Unleashed (81)
-Arcana Heart 3 (73) – I want a retail version!!!  80GB in the PS3 is not enough space!
-SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs (67)
-MotorStorm: Apocalypse (77)
-L.A. Noire (89)
-DiRT 3 (87)
-inFamous 2 (83)
-Record of Agarest War Zero (50) – User Score: 8.5
-F.E.A.R. 3 (74)
-Shadows of the Damned (77)
-Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3 (58)
-Catherine (80)
-El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron (78)
-Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition (86)
-Driver: San Francisco (79)
-BloodRayne: Betrayal (69)
-Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten (80)
-Resistance 3 (83)
-Dead Island (71)
-NHL 12 (86)
-From Dust (80)
-God of War Origins Collection (84)
-Castlevania: Harmony of Despair (67)
-Child of Eden (81)
-The ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection (91)
-Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (80)
-Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland (74)
-NBA 2K12 (90)
-NBA Jam: On Fire Edition (81)
-Rage (81)
-Spider-Man: Edge of Time (58)
-Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny (56) – User Score: 8.4
-Dead Rising 2: Off the Record (71)
-Ace Combat: Assault Horizon (76)
-Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure (77)
-Rocksmith (83)
-Batman: Arkham City (96)
-Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception (92)
-Sonic Generations (76)
-Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (90)
-Rayman Origins (87)
-Dynasty Warriors 7: Xtreme Legends (64)
-Saints Row: The Third (82)
-Assassin’s Creed: Revelations (80)
-The King of Fighters XIII (78)
-Trine 2 (86)
-NFL Blitz (80)
-Kirby’s Return to Dream Land (77)
-The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (93)
-Gears of War 3 (91)
-Dance Central 2 (86)
-Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (87)
-Prinny 2: Dawn of Operation Panties, Dood! (68)
-Shift Extended (76)
-Phantom Brave: The Hermuda Triangle (65)
-Gods Eater Burst (71)
-Jikandia: The Timeless Land (60)
-Dissidia 012: Duodecim Final Fantasy (78)
-The 3rd Birthday (70)
-The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky (79)
-Patapon 3 (74)
-Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection (77)
-BlazBlue: Continuum Shift 2 (PSP – 77, 3DS - 64)
-ClaDun x2 (74)
-Shin Megami Tensei Persona 2 – Innocent Sin (75)
-Fate/Extra (57)
-Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars (77)
-Ridge Racer 3D (75)
-Dead or Alive: Dimensions (79)
-The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (94)
-Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D (65)
-Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked (80)
-Star Fox 64 3D (81)
-Bit.Trip Saga (75)
-Tetris Axis (74)
-Pokémon Rumble Blast (56) – User Score: 8.5
-Cave Story 3D (82)
-Super Mario 3D Land (90)
-Shinobi (69)
-Mario Kart 7 (85)
-NightSky (78)
-Men of War: Assault Squad (77)
-Din’s Curse: Demon War (75)
-Gemini Rue (82)
-Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II – Retribution (80)
-Rift (84)
-SpaceChem (84)
-Risk: Factions (77)
-The Sims Medieval (77)
-LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (76)
-Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (88)
-Anomaly: Warzone Earth (80)
-World of Tanks (80)
-Hector: Badge of Carnage (75)
-Universe Sandbox (83)
-Avadon: The Black Fortress (77) – Bought it, just haven’t played it yet
-The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (88)
-Fable 3 (75)
-Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 (77)
-Critical Mass (81)
-Runespell: Overture (69)
-LIMBO (88)
-Tropico 4 (78)
-Serious Sam: Double D (66)
-The Baconing (63)
-F1 2011 (83)
-Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes
-Worms Ultimate Mayhem (66)
-Might & Magic Heroes VI (77)
-Serious Sam: The Random Encounter (64)
-Renegade Ops (75)
-Minecraft (94) – Considered officially out now?
-Serious Sam 3: BFE (72) – Sam is still taking the spotlight away from Duke Nukem
-Star Wars: The Old Republic (85)

Games that weren’t 1st rate
-Venetica (47)
-DC Universe Online (67)
-Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 (63)
-Trinity: Souls of Zill O’ll (55)
-Knights Contract (51)
-Warriors: Legends of Troy (44)
-Battle: Lost Angeles (46) – I want to play this just to see how bad it actually is.
-Rush’N Attack Ex-Patriot (47)
-Thor: God of Thunder (39)
-Armageddon Riders (62)
-Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale (53) – Yet I still bought it, haven’t tried it yet
-Hunted: The Demon's Forge (57)
-Operation Flashpoint: Red River (67)
-Red Faction: Armageddon (71)
-Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters (61)
-Alice: Madness Returns (70)
-Duke Nukem Forever (51)
-Transformers: Dark of the Moon (57)
-Call of Juarez: The Cartel
-Bleach: Soul Resurreccion (58)
-Bodycount (50)
-Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine (70)
-X-Men: Destiny (50)
-The Cursed Crusade (45) – I was hoping for this to be good…
-The Lord of the Rings: War in the North (63)
-GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
-Need for Speed: The Run (64)
-Air Conflicts: Secret Wars (51)
-Heavy Fire: Afghanistan (42)
-Tekken Hybrid (64)
-AMY (33)
-Conduit 2 (64)
-Ys 1 & 2 Chronicles (63)
-Naruto Shippuden: Kizuna Drive
-Asphalt 3D (43)
-Madden NFL Football 49 (49)
-Bust-A-Move Universe (49)
-Steel Diver (58)
-Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell 3D (53)
-Pac-Man & Galaga Dimensions (60)
-Driver: Renegade (48)
-Pac-Man Party 3D (45)
-Cooking Mama 4: Kitchen Magic (56)
-APOX (48)
-Magic: The Gathering – Tactics (62)
-The Ball (68)
-Dungeons (65)
-Painkiller: Redemption (43)
-Trapped Dead (50)
-Fate of the World (70)
-Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime (43)
-Theatre of War 3: Korea (49)
-Hoard (65)
-Shadow Harvest: Phantom Ops (34)
-Dino D-Day (53)
-Elements of War (49)
-The Rockin’ Dead (45)
-Your Doodles Are Bugged!
-Fortix 2 (73)
-Lume (68)
-Hydrophobia Prophecy (64)
-Allods Online (69)
-The First Templar (57)
-Solar 2 (72)
-Lucid (N/A)
-Dead Horde (45)
-Trauma (62)
-Edge (74)
-Space Pirates and Zombies (74)
-Age of Empires Online (71)
-Sengoku (70)
-Hard Reset (73)
-King Arthur: Fallen Champions (54)
-A Game of Thrones: Genesis (53)
-Stronghold 3 (47)
-Global Ops: Commando Libya (46)
-Sword of the Stars 2: Lords of Winter
-Grotesque Tactics 2 :Dungeons of Donuts (47) – Really?  I thought it was supposed to be pretty good?
-FlatOut 3: Chaos & Destruction (22) – Ooo, ouch, 22?
-Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon (67)
-Postal 3 (27)

Condensed Version
Overall, these were the games I really enjoyed from 2011 the most:
-Hyperdimension Neptunia (PS3)
-Crysis 2 (PS3)
-Dynasty Warriors 7 (PS3)
-Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition (PS3)
-Deus Ex: Human Revolution (PS3)
-White Knight Chronicles 2 (PS3)
-Dungeon Defenders (PC)
-Dark Souls (PS3)
-Battlefield 3 (PS3)
-Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (PS3)
-The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PS3)
-Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 (PS3)
-Magicka (PC)
-Terraria (PC)
-Dungeons of Dredmor (PC)
-Rusty Hearts (PC)
-Cave Story+ (PC)

This was a difficult year for Nintendo as no new Wii games really came out that was worth while other than Kirby and Zelda.  On the bright side, Nintendo sold millions of 3DS units after they dropped the price.  I just hope better games are on its way as the 3DS is lacking good games.  Xbox 360 had a lot of great games that was also available on PS3 (so a lot of the ones up above are on Xbox 360 and PC as well) with the exception of highly acclaimed shooter "Gears of War 3".  Out of the condensed list, I would recommend Dynasty Warriors 7, Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition, TES5: Skyrim, Ultimate Marvel. Vs. Capcom 3, and Terraria to any and all gamers.

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