Thursday, October 4, 2012

VGCulture - Rant on Metacritic

Official Site:

Metacritic used to be a sort of a respectable source for reviews of movies, shows, music and games; however, it has now become a place for enigmatic reviews by editors who are very hard to please (who might also require paying the site to allow their piece to be added to the critic side) and incomprehensible reviews/rants by users who have never watched/heard/played the material and decided to defame its name.  Still, I had started posting introductory reviews on the user side of games on Metacritic while linking it to the full review here on Superpad Unplugged.  Unfortunately, all my posts were deleted and I can no longer submit reviews anymore.  I found out yesterday when I was about to post my review for Diablo 3 when I tried to submit my review and saw this: "You may no longer submit a review due to the content of your previous comments or reviews."  Considering that I didn't break any of the rules of regulation on their Terms of Service, I can only guess that I was banned for linking my page on Metacritic.  After re-reading the Terms of Service more closely, I didn't see any regulations against linking to my blog for the full reviews of the games I had wrote about.  It did say; however, that they would delete posts and ban accounts without warning or reason.  I find it infuriating that I've been writing objective and informative game reviews on metacritic for the past 2 years while it has been overwhelmed by posts by users who obviously haven't played the game yet so that they can defame it.  Resident Evil 6 is a sad example of what Metacritic has become.  Perhaps it's for the best.  It doesn't seem like participating in user-score reviews is beneficial or remotely helpful any longer.  All reviews will stay on the blog now.

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