Tuesday, October 23, 2012

GameLight - Medal of Honor Warfighter

Official Site: http://www.medalofhonor.com/
Source: Youtube Channel eavision

If MoH: Warfighter is anything like MoH (2010), then I am excited.  I have never really liked the MoH series for the longest time, but EA had changed my mind about that 2 years ago when they released a modern First-Person Shooter with Medal of Honor (2010).  It still stands today to me as the FPS with the best audio I have ever experience.  The graphics were clean, detailed, bright, and visually appealing.  The story was compelling and made for a very exciting experience for the single-player campaign.  If there were any faults, it was that multiplayer wasn't entirely refined.  Multiplayer was a lot of fun, but level designs made the game imbalanced, certain weapons were clearly rigged, it was very easy to spawn camp, and there was a certain amount of lag that caused problems with gameplay.  Now the game is back with a sequel and it's looking pretty good.  I'm hoping that the developers experience with the first iteration of the new MoH has allowed them to work and refine the game to make it truly great this time around.  As broken as multiplayer was in the first one, I had a lot of fun from it.  It was neck to neck against Call of Duty: Black Ops that year with CoD:BO having a great story but boring gameplay for the main campaign while the multiplayer was also broken and laggy.  Last year in 2011, EA was neck to neck against Activision with Battlefield 3 against Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.  The campaign was very disappointing for BF3 but made up for its multiplayer while CoD:MW3 was pretty solid on both sides.  So right now, I'm hoping that MoH:WF will have a polished game experience for both campaign and multiplayer it competes against Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 this year.  Medal of Honor: Warfighter is now available for Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and PC.

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