Tuesday, May 8, 2012

VGCulture - Feeding me some Diablo 3

Official Site: http://us.blizzard.com/en-us/games/d3/?int=d3

There's 7 days left before the release of Diablo 3 and the wait is excruciating!  I don't remember the last time I was this excited and obsessed with the launch of a game.  Even with games I love and know I'll buy on the first day I'll be calm and indifferent on the matter of time.  But ever since I pre-ordered my own copy of Diablo 3 on May 1st, all I can think about it Diablo 3.  Images of being able to mow down hundreds of demons, customizing my skill sets, finding all sorts of awesome loot, fighting crazy bosses with my friends, and getting into intense player versus player action keeps swimming through my head.  With this mental state in mind, my thirst for top-down Action-RPGs reached out and found some interesting games:

[Torchlight 2]
Source: Youtube Channel Torchlight2

It was sad news for many to hear that Torchlight 2 will be releasing after Diablo 3 rather than before as many had hoped to play it in the meantime.  Other players have gone the opposite and said that they'd rather wait for Torchlight 2 instead of getting Diablo 3 as Torchlight 2 provides LAN play, single-player without the need for internet connection, the ability to mod, and online play which wasn't available in the original Torchlight.  I enjoyed Torchlight but didn't really feel like playing past the main story.  With multiplayer co-op online, new classes, and different game mechanics readily available in this next installment, I'm probably going to get it eventually sometime this year.  I just wish it had come out earlier so that it could feed my hunger for Top-down, Point-n-Click, Action-RPGs.

[Grim Dawn]
Source: Youtube Channel IGNentertainment

When Iron Lore Entertainment (developed Titan Quest which I'm playing now to quench my thirst for Diablo 3) closed down, the members of the studio went on to form Crate Entertainment.  The company made up of mainly 2 full-time employees have revealed that they are working on a game called Grim Dawn using the Titan Quest engine which they got the rights to now.  The game looks a lot darker, but interesting from what they have shown so far in their pre-alpha build.  One mechanic they have shown that some gamers have noted and like is the ability to change the camera angle.  I'm really enjoying Titan Quest right now (though a bit slow on pacing) so I'm eager to see how the end product for Grim Dawn will be like.

[Realm of Ancient War (RAW)]
Source: Youtube Channel GameNewsOfficial

I found out about this game through a random video advertisement that played on Youtube (which I generally hate).  While the ad was going, the gameplay immediately pulled me in and I'm just going "whoa whoa WHOA, what game is this?  It's look amazing!  It doesn't look like Diablo 3, so it can't be it."  When it revealed the name, I looked it up and checked it out.  The game looks like it will play similar to the classic arcade game "Gauntlet" which I have fond (and nightmarish) memories of.  The skills look explosive and dynamic, the graphics are rendered beautifully but isn't convoluted, and the gameplay seems to be really fast-paced.  I'm definitely keeping an eye out for this one.

[Lineage Eternal]
Source: Youtube Channel ArogatsGaming

I'm guessing that it's within the world of Lineage, the age old MMORPG.  In terms of Top-down, Point-n-Click, Action-RPG that isn't Diablo 3, this seemed to have impressed me the most with the ways a player can utilize their skills and abilities.  Those mouse gestures totally make sense and have seen it used in other games and genres (like League of Legends for example).  The graphics also look very impressive.  There might be a chance that this will be released as a free-to-play MMORPG when it comes out, so I'm very willing to check it out.

The problem right now is that all four of these games aren't even out yet, so it does little to occupy my time and desires for Diablo 3 (if anything, it fuels it).  There is one game I found that might help:

Source: Youtube Channel humanPleiadian

NOX was developed by Westwood Studios and published by Electronic Arts as a top-down, point-n-click, Action-RPG and faced cries of "rip of Diablo!" back in 2000 that many Action-RPGs face today.  I've never heard of the game and don't recall ever having come across it in the past.  The rights to the game and development were taken entirely by EA and they decided to not support the game anymore which led to the end of online ladder and pvp.  Still, this looks like an interesting game and I might check it out.  I hear it's on GOG.com for $6.

The wait for Diablo 3 feels really long, even though it's only 7 days away.  I hope the game is worth all this time and anticipation.

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