Thursday, August 30, 2012

GameLight - Eryi's Action

Nyu Media News

Source: Youtube Channel NyuMedia

Nyu Media has successfully brought Satazius and the eXceed collection to Steam and so my friend and I and possibly many others eagerly await the release of Cherry Tree High Comedy Club to Steam.  Sadly, it hasn't happened yet and Ether Vapor Remaster seemed to be in line for a steam launch.  Now Ether Vapor Remaster has been delayed while another game Nyu Media has translated and brought over to us has been reveals.

Welcome to Eryi's Action, a game much like the infamous "I Wanna Be The Guy!"  It is an Action platformer where learning through your mistakes is the only way to get through the ordeals.  Traps are hidden throughout the levels, unexpected events happens without notice, and shenanigans will ensue.  At first glance, the game looked really dopey, but those challenges and spontaneous moments has caught my attention and so I fear I may end up buying the game and putting myself through a painful experience of yelling and anger-induced punches to a baby's face.  Eryi's Action is not out yet, but is on Steam's newly launched Greenlight system where players can choose which upcoming indie game to bring forth to the Steam platform.

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