Monday, October 24, 2011

GameLight - Wizardry Online

Official Site:

Source: Youtube Channel Gamehelper

Does the video remind you of any other game?  It seems the graphics style is highly influenced off of From Software's "Demon's Souls".  Wizardry is a series with a history longer than most games as it first started as a Table-Top, pen-and-paper RPG like Dungeons and Dragons.  It was first conceived as a computer RPG in 1981 and has since influenced the videogame RPGs that we play today.  Wizardry has been known for its complicated gameplay, intricate skill and stats building and unforgiving nature of perma-death (like in the old pen-and-paper RPG days).  From 1981 to the latest Wizardry Game on the PS3 (only available in Japan), the game has been a turn-based game with the players facing the enemies in a first person view, much like Dragon Quest.  The big change in Wizardry Online is that it will be a MMORPG played in a 3rd-Person Action Hack-n-Slash gameplay.  So it kinda looks like Demon's Souls, but will play more closely to games like Divinity 2 and Hellgate London.  In the original games, it was very possible to have all 6 of your party members to suddenly die from a trap, a monster, or doing something really dumb like teleporting the whole party into the wall.  Those characters are gone, and you'll have to start over with new characters.  It's very much the same in this game.  If you die, you have one chance to revive or you lose your character forever.

Source: Youtube Channel poponta001

I am very interested in this game and it has recently launched in Japan.  It is being brought to EU and North America in 2012 by publisher GamePot.  I'm not sure how I feel about the Permadeath idea for an MMO since we would pour dozens, if not hundreds, of hours into the game.  It will be a crushing experience to lose a character you've worked so hard on.  Still, I'll keep an eye out for this game and definitely give it a try when it comes out.

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