Thursday, April 7, 2011

NewNews - Global Agenda goes Free-to-Play all the way!

Global Agenda is a 3rd-Person Action Shooter Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game that focuses a lot of its gameplay on instances, competitive matches, and a constantly evolving, on-going world with defense raids and open-world quests.

Source: Youtube Channel mmorpgitalia

Later in the month, Global Agenda will switch from its one-time purchase structure to a Free-to-Play structure with the option to have a one time payment to obtain the status of "Elite Agent" which makes leveling, gathering currency and items easier.  Those who have paid for the game already will automatically receive this status when the new patch is applied to the game.  For those who want to play for free, don't worry about the levels, items, and currency too much because the game is heavily skill based with team-work in mind.  Players who are at level 10 will go up against players who are level 50+ and still win if they have a solid team to work with.  Global Agenda is one of those rare MMOs where players of any level can play together (for the most part, some restrictions for instances).  Because of this news, I'm going to get my friends who don't play the game to join.  I haven't played the game as much as I had hoped, but I enjoy it every time I log on.  The graphics are nice, the thematic atmosphere is immersive, the sounds are unique and recognizable as its own, the gameplay is fast-paced and challenging, the various game modes provide a variety of ways to play the game, but I wish there was more music going throughout the game (what is up with all these MMOs with no music?).  The team working at Hi-Rez Studios has worked constantly on improving Global Agenda throughout the year.  I have seen the game go through an entire change in equipment systems, skill tree changes, user interface, adding new items, constant updates in class balance (the nerf on the Recon made me sad, but it made sense), additional game modes, and entire expansion pack was given for free to all the players.  Hopefully this switch to Free-to-Play structure will give players who had doubts about the game an opportunity to truly enjoy this amazing MMO.

Source: Gamasutra - Hi-Rez Makes Full Free-To-Play Switch With Global Agenda

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